Tutorial: How to style big shelves

Tutorial: How to style big shelves

Jurga Artist @jurga_art

Big shelves have much space… So where to put what & how?

Have you ever tried styling a big shelf? That can be really overwhelming with so much space to put anything you want… 

We have 4 tips for you to style an elegant shelf within our cat lamps Chouchou and Chichi

1. If you have a lot of books, group them in colors and size and vary the layout e.g. lay them down horizontally or do a vertical arrangement.

2. Add items that reflect your interests and hobbies and some photos to give it a personal touch and make it feel more like home.

3. If you are placing some large items in between, make sure they have enough space around them to show off their beauty without distraction.

4. Never forget to place some eye-catchers to complete the look like our super cute cats Chouchou and Chichi.

We can’t wait to see your stylings with our cats! For a chance to be featured on this Blog or our Social Media send us an email to say@hi-werns.com with your stylings or tag us with with #werns on Social Media.

4. Don't forget the eyecatcher!

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